import pandas as pd
DF = pd.read_csv('yahoostock.csv', parse_dates=['Date'])
DF = DF.sort_values('Date')
Figure 1: Daily Market High for the YHOO Ticker
#y is the dependent variable
y = DF.High[:, None]
#A contains the independent variable
A = DF.Date.astype('int')[:, None] * 1e-18
#Fit the MLP to the data
#param A: numpy matrix where each row is a sample
#param y: numpy matrix of target values
def fit(self, A, y):
#Predict the output given the input (only run after calling fit)
#param A: The input values for which to predict outputs
#return: The predicted output values (one row per input sample)
def predict(self, A):
#Predicts the ouputs for input A and then computes the RMSE between
#The predicted values and the actualy values
#param A: The input values for which to predict outputs
#param y: The actual target values
#return: The RMSE
def score(self, A, y):
#Number of neurons in the input layer
i = 1
#Number of neurons in the output layer
o = 1
#Number of neurons in the hidden layers
h = 32
#3 Fully-connected layers with tanh followed by linear output layer
layers = [('F', h), ('AF', 'tanh'), ('F', h), ('AF', 'tanh'), ('F', h), ('AF', 'tanh'), ('F', o)]
mlpr = ANNR([i], layers, batchSize = 256, maxIter = 1000, tol = 0.2, reg = 1e-4, verbose = True)
#Create the MLP variables for TF graph
#_X: The input matrix
#_W: The weight matrices
#_B: The bias vectors
#_AF: The activation function
def _CreateMLP(_X, _W, _B, _AF):
n = len(_W)
for i in range(n - 1):
_X = _AF(tf.matmul(_X, _W[i]) + _B[i])
return tf.matmul(_X, _W[n - 1]) + _B[n - 1]
#Add L2 regularizers for the weight and bias matrices
#_W: The weight matrices
#_B: The bias matrices
#return: tensorflow variable representing l2 regularization cost
def _CreateL2Reg(_W, _B):
n = len(_W)
regularizers = tf.nn.l2_loss(_W[0]) + tf.nn.l2_loss(_B[0])
for i in range(1, n):
regularizers += tf.nn.l2_loss(_W[i]) + tf.nn.l2_loss(_B[i])
return regularizers
#Create weight and bias vectors for an MLP
#layers: The number of neurons in each layer (including input and output)
#return: A tuple of lists of the weight and bias matrices respectively
def _CreateVars(layers):
weight = []
bias = []
n = len(layers)
for i in range(n - 1):
#Fan-in for layer; used as standard dev
lyrstd = np.sqrt(1.0 / layers[i])
curW = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([layers[i], layers[i + 1]], stddev = lyrstd))
curB = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([layers[i + 1]], stddev = lyrstd))
return (weight, bias)
#The constructor
#param layers: A list of layer sizes
#param actvFn: The activation function to use: 'tanh', 'sig', or 'relu'
#param learnRate: The learning rate parameter
#param decay: The decay parameter
#param maxItr: Maximum number of training iterations
#param tol: Maximum error tolerated
#param batchSize: Size of training batches to use (use all if None)
#param verbose: Print training information
#param reg: Regularization weight
def __init__(self, layers, actvFn = 'tanh', learnRate = 0.001, decay = 0.9, maxItr = 2000,
tol = 1e-2, batchSize = None, verbose = False, reg = 0.001):
self.tol = tol
self.mItr = maxItr
self.vrbse = verbose
self.batSz = batchSize
#Input size
self.x = tf.placeholder("float", [None, layers[0]])
#Output size
self.y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, layers[-1]])
#Setup the weight and bias variables
weight, bias = _CreateVars(layers)
#Create the tensorflow MLP model
self.pred = _CreateMLP(self.x, weight, bias, _GetActvFn(actvFn))
#Use L2 as the cost function
self.loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.l2_loss(self.pred - self.y))
#Use regularization to prevent over-fitting
if(reg is not None):
self.loss += _CreateL2Reg(weight, bias) * reg
#Use ADAM method to minimize the loss function
self.optmzr = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learnRate).minimize(self.loss)
#Length of the hold-out period
nDays = 5
n = len(A)
#Learn the data[0:(n-nDays)], y[0:(n-nDays)])
#Fit the MLP to the data
#param A: numpy matrix where each row is a sample
#param y: numpy matrix of target values
def fit(self, A, y):
m = len(A)
#Start the tensorflow session and initializer
#all variables
self.sess = tf.Session()
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
#Begin training
for i in range(self.mItr):
#Batch mode or all at once
if self.batSz is None:, feed_dict={self.x:A, self.y:y})
for j in range(0, m, self.batSz):
batA, batY = _NextBatch(A, y, j, self.batSz), feed_dict={self.x:batA, self.y:batY})
err =, feed_dict={self.x:A, self.y:y})
err = np.sqrt(err * 2.0 / m)
if self.vrbse:
print('Iter {:6d} {:f}'.format(i + 1, err))
if self.tol > err:
Figure 2: Actual and Smoothed Time Series Data