Figure 1: Plot of Temperatures by Day of Year
Figure 2: Histogram of Temperatures
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Figure 3: Plot of Median Annual Temperatures
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Figure 4: Plot of Mean Annual Temperatures
Mean | Median | |
Min | 2.3290581226e-11 | 2.44485850314e-11 |
Max | 3.53786204839e-14 | 7.10486692764e-09 |
Table 1: P-Values for Regression Models
Mean | Median | |
Min | 0.5920 | 0.5915 |
Max | 0.6524 | 0.5259 |
Table 2: R-Squared Values for Regression Models
Figure 5: Calendar of Monthly Trends
Figure 6: Heatmap of Temperatures as a Calendar
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl
import matplotlib.animation as mpla
from scipy.stats import linregress
from datetime import datetime
D = pd.read_csv('1035207.csv')
CN = 'TMAX' #Column of data to look at (min or max daily temp)
D = D[D[CN] != -9999].reset_index(drop=True) #Filter out missing values
IDPI = 96 #Image DPI
IS = (16 / 1.5, 10 / 1.5) #Image size (inches)
FY = 1906 #First Year
LY = 2017 #Last Year
TMIN = D[CN].min() #Minimum temperature
TMAX = D[CN].max() #Maximum temperature
x = np.array([FY, LY]) - FY #Used for drawing the trend lines
#Some strings for graph labels/titles
MNS = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
VNL = ' Max'
#Date-time object for plotting
D['DT'] = np.array([datetime(year = i // 10000, month = (i // 100) % 100, day = i % 100) for i in D['DATE']])
#Integer day of year (1-365)
D['DOY'] = D['DT'].apply(lambda t : t.timetuple().tm_yday)
D['YEAR'] = D['DATE'] // 10000
D['MNTH'] = (D['DATE'] // 100) % 100
D['DAY'] = D['DATE'] % 100
#Get color of XKCD plot
#fig, ax = mpl.subplots()
#l = ax.plot(np.nan)
#PCOL = l[0].get_color()
PCOL = '#1f77b4'
#Data grouped by each year
YG = D.groupby('YEAR', as_index = False)
yni = np.array(list(YG.groups.keys())) #These are years; some are missing
yn = np.array(yni, dtype = str) #For plot titles
#Opacity values for line animations
nopv = 12 #Number of opacity values
opv = np.linspace(0.22, 0.57, num = nopv) ** 2 #Opacity Values
#%% Plot animation of yearly temps over time in calender heatmap
C = np.zeros((20, 21))
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(3, 4, figsize = IS)
pim = np.zeros((3, 4), dtype = object)
for i in range(3):
for j in range(4):
pim[i, j] = ax[i, j].imshow(np.zeros((20, 21)), interpolation = 'nearest', vmin=TMIN, vmax=TMAX, animated = True)
ax[i, j].set_title(MNS[i * 4 + j])
ax[i, j].set_axis_off()
cb = fig.colorbar(pim[0, 0], ax = ax.ravel().tolist())
def UpdateF(ai):
CG = YG.get_group(yni[ai]) #Get data for the year
fig.suptitle(yn[ai] + ' Calendar of' + VNL + ' Temps in LA')
for ind in range(12):
mcd = CG[CG['MNTH'] == (ind + 1)][CN].values.copy()
mcd = mcd.astype(np.uint8)
mcd.resize(5, 7)
i, j = ind // 4, ind % 4
pim[i, j].set_data(mcd)
print('{:3d}/{:3d}'.format(ai, len(yn)))
#Only keep years with more than 200 data points recorded (animation year indices)
ayi = np.arange(len(yn))[YG.count()['MNTH'] > 200]
ani = mpla.FuncAnimation(fig, UpdateF, frames = ayi, interval = 200, repeat = False) + 'CTPlot.gif', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Plot animation of yearly temps over time
L = [] #Previous plots in animation
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.set_ylim([0, 365])
ax.set_ylim([D[CN].min() - 5, D[CN].max() + 5])
ax.set_xlabel('Day of Year (1-365)')
ax.set_ylabel('Temperature (°F)')
def UpdateF(i):
global lhg
for j, lhgj in enumerate(L[-nopv:]):
lhgj[0].set_alpha(opv[j]) #Decay from max opacity to min opacity
CG = YG.get_group(yni[i]) #Get data for the year
L.append(ax.plot(CG['DOY'], CG[CN], color = PCOL))
ax.set_title(VNL + ' Temperatures in Los Angeles: ' + yn[i])
print('{:3d}/{:3d}'.format(i, len(yn)))
#Only keep years with more than 200 data points recorded (animation year indices)
ayi = np.arange(len(yn))[YG.count()['MNTH'] > 200]
ani = mpla.FuncAnimation(fig, UpdateF, frames = ayi, interval = 200, repeat = False) + 'TPlot.mp4', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Plot animation of temperature distribution over time
L = []
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.set_xlim([D[CN].min() - 5, D[CN].max() + 5])
ax.set_ylim([0, 75])
ax.set_xlabel('Temperature (°F)')
def UpdateF(i):
global lhg
for j, lhgj in enumerate(L[-nopv:]):
lhgj[0].set_alpha(opv[j]) #Decay from max opacity to min opacity
CG = YG.get_group(yni[i])
hbinc, hbin = np.histogram(CG[CN], bins = 18)
L.append(ax.plot((hbin[:-1] + hbin[1:]) / 2, hbinc, color = PCOL))
ax.set_title(VNL + ' Temperatures in Los Angeles: ' + yn[i])
print('{:3d}/{:3d}'.format(i, len(yn)))
#Only keep years with more than 200 data points recorded (animation year indices)
ayi = np.arange(len(yn))[YG.count()['MNTH'] > 200]
ani = mpla.FuncAnimation(fig, UpdateF, frames = ayi, interval = 200, repeat = False) + 'Hist.mp4', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Annual Median temperatures
M = YG.median()[CN].values
#%% Make scatter plot of median temps
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.scatter(yni, M)
ax.set_ylabel('Median' + VNL + ' Temp (°F)')
ax.set_title('Median' + VNL + ' Temps in LA')
fig.savefig(CN + 'MedScat.png', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Fit regression model to median
m, b, lrr2, lrpv, serr = linregress(yni - FY, M)
print('R-Squared for Annual Median Model: {:0.4f}'.format(lrr2))
print('P-Value for Annual Median Model: ' + str(lrpv))
#%% Plot the results
y = m * x + b
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.scatter(yni, M)
ax.plot(x + FY, y)
ax.set_ylabel('Median' + VNL + ' Temp (°F)')
ax.set_title('Annual Median' + VNL + ' Temps in LA (y = {:.2f}x + {:.2f})'.format(m, b))
fig.savefig(CN + 'MedReg.png', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Residual plot of median regression model
YH = m * (yni - FY) + b
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.scatter(yni, M - YH)
ax.plot(x + FY, [0, 0])
ax.set_ylabel('Median' + VNL + ' Temp (°F)')
ax.set_title('Residual Plot of Median' + VNL + ' Model')
fig.savefig(CN + 'MedResp.png', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Median' + VNL + ' Temperature in 50 years
y50 = m * 50 + b
print('Annual Median' + VNL + ' Temp in 50 Years: {:.0f}'.format(y50))
#%% Solve for boiling point of water
xc = (212 - b) / m
print('Predicted Year with Annual Median' + VNL + ' Temp = 212: {:.0f}'.format(xc))
#%% Annual Mean temperatures
M = YG.mean()[CN].values
#%% Make scatter plot of median temps
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.scatter(yni, M)
ax.set_ylabel('Avg' + VNL + ' Temp (°F)')
ax.set_title('Annual Avg' + VNL + ' Temps in LA')
fig.savefig(CN + 'AvgScat.png', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Fit regression model to Mean
m, b, lrr2, lrpv, serr = linregress(yni - FY, M)
print('R-Squared for Annual Avg Model: {:0.4f}'.format(lrr2))
print('P-Value for Annual Avg Model: ' + str(lrpv))
#%% Plot the results
y = m * x + b
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.scatter(yni, M)
ax.plot(x + FY, y)
ax.set_ylabel('Avg' + VNL + ' Temp (°F)')
ax.set_title('Annual Avg' + VNL + ' Temps in LA (y = {:.2f}x + {:.2f})'.format(m, b))
fig.savefig(CN + 'AvgReg.png', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Residual plot of mean regression model
YH = m * (yni - FY) + b
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(figsize = IS)
ax.scatter(yni, M - YH)
ax.plot(x + FY, [0, 0])
ax.set_ylabel('Avg' + VNL + ' Temp (°F)')
ax.set_title('Residual Plot of Annual Avg' + VNL + ' Model')
fig.savefig(CN + 'AvgResp.png', dpi = IDPI)
#%% Mean temperature in 50 years
y50 = m * 50 + b
print('Annual Avg' + VNL + ' Temp in 50 Years: {:.0f}'.format(y50))
#%% Solve for boiling point of water
xc = (212 - b) / m
print('Predicted Year with Annual Avg' + VNL + ' Temp = 212: {:.0f}'.format(xc))
#%% Group data by year and month
MG = D.groupby(['YEAR', 'MNTH'], as_index = False)
MMT = MG.mean()
#%% For each month, plot average temperature over all years
fig, ax = mpl.subplots(4, 3, figsize = (20, 32))
fig.suptitle('Calendar of Avg Monthly Trends in' + VNL + ' Temps')
for i in range(12):
cind = (MMT['MNTH'] == (i + 1))
xv = MMT[cind]['YEAR'].values
yv = MMT[cind][CN].values
m, b, lrr2, lrpv, serr = linregress(xv - FY, yv)
y = m * x + b
ind = (i // ax.shape[1], i % ax.shape[1])
ax[ind].set_title('{:s}: y = {:.2f}x+{:.2f}'.format(MNS[i], m, b))
ax[ind].scatter(xv, yv)
ax[ind].plot(x + FY, y)
fig.savefig(CN + 'MnthReg.png', dpi = IDPI)